
Project Manager*in with focus on Finance

Details zur Position

Bad Homburg vor der Höhe

| Hybrid

vor 2 Wochen


Deutsch, Englisch

Anstellungsart: Festanstellung

Berufserfahrung: Keine Angabe

Produkt- & Projektmanagement

GOPA Worldwide Consultants
Mehr zur Organisation


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GOPA Worldwide


Are you looking for an international working environment and enjoy working in a multicultural team with flat hierarchies? Do you have a good sense for people and can convince others? If so, come join our teams! We have openings in two Departments that could be perfect for you!

As Project Manager you are responsible both for the acquisition of new projects and for the implementation and the financial backstopping of on-going projects. We are currently hiring in both our Health and Social Development Department and our Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Department. Besides the work in our headquarters, you will travel abroad regularly for project set-ups and for backstopping missions and short-term expert assignments.

Project Manager with focus on Finance


  1. You support the development of financial proposals at tender stage
  2. You handle the financial project set-up in the project country and in headquarters
  3. You exchange with clients, beneficiaries, consortium partners and experts during project implementation
  4. You contract experts and local staff and you are responsible for processing their invoices
  5. You ensure compliance of project procedures according to GOPA and client specifications
  6. You prepare the invoices to the client (including expenditure verification audits)
  7. You undertake project missions with the aim of measuring project progress and supporting the project team on site
  8. You ensure a proper financial closure of projects



Your profile:

  1. You have a relevant academic degree (business administration or equivalent) or a commercial training degree with a financial background
  2. You have very good language skills in English, both written and spoken. German, French or Spanish language skills are an asset
  3. You have strong analytical skills regarding budget planning, project implementation and budget monitoring
  4. Sound user knowledge of MS Office package, knowledge of an ERP system is an asset
  5. Relevant experience in the financial and administrative management of (development) projects required
  6. You have a high interest in figures and the constant improvement of department results
  7. Experience in donor procedures and requirements, e.g. EU and GIZ, is considered as a strong asset



What we offer:

  1. Team & culture: You will join dynamic, multi-cultural and multilingual team mem­bers who enjoy working together and who support each other.
  2. Responsibility: You join a company com­mitted to being environmentally responsible wherever we operate.
  3. Development: Our annual career develop­ment and performance review process will help you to set clearly defined goals and objectives. As a new employee, you will be part of a mentorship system.
  4. Location: GOPA is located close to Bad Homburg´s railway station, enabling quick and easy access to Frankfurt’s cultural activities and events.
  5. Fringe benefits: GOPA offers an RMV job ticket and job-bike leasing, as well as sub­sidies for a fitness studio and day care for your children, to mention a few.
  6. Flexibility: We enable flexible work arrangements, including flexible working hours, mobile or telework.


Ready for change?

We are looking forward to receiving your online application, including your possible commencement date and salary expectation.

GOPA Worldwide Consultants

A leader in development consultancy, GOPA Worldwide Consultants implements projects in developing and transition economies on behalf of national and international development partners, national authorities, industry representatives and civil society organisations. To ensure that the programmes we implement have a lasting impact in terms of economic growth, sustainability and poverty reduction, we target structural reforms and capacity building in five core sectors. These five sectors represent our commitment towards improving the social and economic situation of people through Education and Employment Promotion, Governance and Economic Development, Natural Resources, Environment and Climate, and also by measuring the long-term impact of interventions through Statistics and Monitoring & Evaluation.

At GOPA Worldwide Consultants, we understand that behind each development project there is a human story. For this reason, we favour dynamic development cooperation that places beneficiaries at the heart of our work.


Gesellschaft fair gestalten

Gesellschaft fair gestalten

Förderung von Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Armutsbekämpfung

Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass Menschen weltweit die Freiheit haben, ohne materielle Not oder Unterdrückung, selbstbestimmt und eigenverantwortlich ihr Leben zu gestalten und auch ihren Kindern eine menschenwürdige Zukunft zu ermöglichen.

Menschen helfen

Menschen helfen

Humanitäre Unterstützung bei Krisensituationen

Wir sind in Notsituationen für Betroffene vor Ort da, bieten ihnen Unterstützung und zeigen vollen Einsatz, um die schweren Folgen von Katastrophen akut zu begrenzen. Anschließend kümmern wir uns darum, dass die Menschen wieder in einem menschenwürdigen Umfeld leben können.

Einsatz für Menschenrechte und soziale Gerechtigkeit

Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, dass die Menschenrechte weltweit gleichermaßen umgesetzt werden. Deshalb setzen wir uns für sozialen Fortschritt, bessere Lebensbedingungen, Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Frieden ein.

Umwelt schützen

Umwelt schützen

Schutz der natürlichen Ressourcen

Für uns ist es Priorität, die Erde als ein stabiles Ökosystem zu erhalten, indem wir für den Schutz von Boden, Wasser und Luft arbeiten. Somit setzen wir uns für einen schonenden Umgang mit Naturgütern ein.

GOPA Worldwide Consultants


GOPA Worldwide Consultants

Hindenburgring 18

61350 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe

Online bis 07.03.2025

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