
Teacher in English

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Berufserfahrung: Keine Angabe

Arbeitsbeginn: 15.08.2025

Bildung & Wissensmanagement

Phorms Education SE
Mehr zur Organisation


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Our German-English Phorms Campus Berlin Mitte is conveniently located in the heart of the city. A nursery, a primary school and a secondary school are all located under one roof - a total of 930 children and young people currently learn and play together within an international campus community. The framework for our international orientation is our bilingual concept, which we implement according to the immersion method. Alongside the charming brick building, the special features of our location are the family-like atmosphere and the kind-hearted spirit. The campus also offers two gyms, a theatre hall and a library flooded with light.

Phorms Berlin Mitte is part of the Phorms Education SE network of bilingual schools and nurseries, that has been enriching the educational landscape in Germany since 2006.

For our secondary school in Berlin Mitte we are looking for a motivated and qualified

Teacher in English

(in part-time or full-time).


Your Responsibilities

  1. Teaching and reflecting on motivating and practical lessons in English for grades 7 – 12 in the secondary school
  2. Creating a positive, supportive and welcoming learning environment in the classroom
  3. Performance assessment of students, incl. creation and correction of performance records and issuing of report marks
  4. Examining and holistically preparing students for written and oral German school leaving exams
  5. Enrichment of teaching with digital media and enrichment of the specialist team through active participation
  6. Promotion of the class community and individual talents as a class teacher or tutor, including accompaniment on excursions and school trips


Your Profile

  1. Qualified secondary school teacher and holder of a Master's degree (in English, Education, Secondary Education, Secondary Teaching and/or equivalent) and/or a PGCE/PGDE
  2. Practical experience as an English teacher in the classroom
  3. Passion for teaching and innovative approaches to make learning even more exciting and future-oriented
  4. Interest in optimally supporting students with modern tools such as AI and digital media
  5. Creativity, commitment and the ability to inspire and motivate students
  6. Enjoy teamwork in an international team and be willing to actively participate in exchange and further development


Our Benefits

  1. Competitive salary and benefit scheme (travel card for public transport or Edenred City Card, subsidised Urban Sports Club membership, discounted lunch, company pension scheme, Corporate Benefits Portal)
  2. Relocation allowance and support in applying for residency, work permit and teaching approval
  3. Five child sick days paid in full by the employer as well as a staff discount when using a daycare or school place
  4. Free half-yearly language courses (German)
  5. Small class and course sizes (max. 24 students)
  6. A student- and activity-oriented didactic concept based on bilingual teaching
  7. State-of-the-art equipment (own laptop, MS Teams, own IT support, digital classrooms)
  8. Support in the introduction and use of modern technologies such as AI to implement differentiated learning and innovative teaching concepts
  9. An international and inspiring school atmosphere with a strong bilingual focus (German/English)
  10. Teamwork in international student councils that promote exchange and cooperation and give you valuable ideas for your lessons


Apply now!

Interested in re-shaping education? Bring your new ideas to life with us and apply now using the "Direkt bewerben" button.

We look forward to your application!


HR Team Leader

030 311 678 104

Phorms Education SE

Phorms Education ist eine überregionale und zukunftsorientierte Einrichtung im Bereich Bildung und Erziehung. Durch ein Konzept, das auf anspruchsvoller bilingualer (Deutsch-Englisch) Bildung, qualifizierter Ganztagesbetreuung und individueller Förderung basiert, bereichert Phorms seit 2006 die Bildungslandschaft in Deutschland. Zum Phorms-Netzwerk gehören aktuell zehn Kitas und acht Grundschulen, fünf Gymnasien und eine Sekundarschule in freier Trägerschaft sowie die Heidelberg International School und eine Erzieherakademie. Kinder, Eltern und unsere Mitarbeitenden schätzen unsere Einrichtungen nicht nur als Lern-, sondern auch als Lebensraum. Dafür arbeiten wir eng und vertrauensvoll zusammen und entwickeln uns und unsere Organisation ständig weiter.


Headquarters Phorms Education SE in Berlin

Arbeiten in der Krippe

Arbeiten im Kindergarten

Arbeitsplatz Grundschule

Arbeitsplatz Gymnasium


Menschen helfen

Menschen helfen

Lösungen zur Kindererziehung oder Kinderbetreuung

Wir sehen unsere Aufgabe darin, Kindern ihr Potenzial aufzuzeigen, ihnen Werte zu vermitteln und sie auf dem Weg des Lernens und Wachsens zu begleiten.

Wissen vermitteln

Wissen vermitteln

Lösungen zur Bildungsförderung

Unsere Aufgabe ist es, Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters Kenntnisse anzueignen und Inhalte, Sprachen oder Theorien weiterzugeben, die ihnen als gute Grundlage für ihren weiteren Weg dienen.

Phorms Education SE


Phorms Education SE

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25

13355 Berlin

Online bis 02.05.2025

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