
Junior Professional Officer (JPO) as Coordination Officer (gn) in Climate Change Adaptation


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Berufserfahrung: 2 - 3 Jahre


Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO)
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Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) Chiffre Nr. 2025-1-09


General Information

Title: JPO Coordination Officer, Climate Change Adaptation 

Sector of Assignment:  Natural Sciences Sector 

Organizational Unit: Hydrological Systems, Climate Change and Adaptation, Division of Water Sciences

Country and Duty Station: Headquarter Paris, France

Duration of assignment: 2 years with possibility of extension for another year. The extension of appointment is subject to yearly review concerning priorities, availability of funds, and satisfactory performance

Please note that for participants of the JPO-Programme two years work experience are mandatory! Relevant work experience can be counted. In order to assess the eligibility of the candidates, we review the relevant experience acquired after obtaining the first university degree (usually bachelor’s degree).



Direct supervision by: Chief of Section

Under the direct supervision of the chief of Section and the overall authority of the Director of the UNESCO Division of Water Sciences and Secretary of the International Hydrological Programme, the JPO should assume responsibilities for the implementation of UNESCO’s activities related to Climate Change Adaptation. He/she will take all necessary initiatives in order to carry out his/her assignments within the policy set by the Director and the guidelines given by the supervisor.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the authority of the Director of Water Sciences Division and supervision of the Chief of Section, the JPO shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Provide thematic and coordination support for the activities related to UNESCO’s work on climate change and support UNESCO’s Task Team on Climate Change to increase intersectoral collaboration and optimize engagement with partners and climate related funds. 
  2. Act as coordination officer on behalf of the Science Sector to the Climate Change Task Team.
  3. Provide technical support in the development of climate change adaptation activities, undertaken by UNESCO Science Programme: Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) in coordination with the Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB), International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP), International Geoscience Programme (IGCP), Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
  4. Support implementation of UNESCO climate change adaptation tools such as the Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA), Flood and Drought Early Warning Systems (FDEWS), Snow and Glacier Monitoring in close partnership with relevant UNESCO Category 2 centers and chairs, and UNESCO field offices. 
  5. Support organization of events and side events during the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), UN Climate Change Conference (COPs) and events during UNESCO General Conferences.
  6. Support development of publications, policy materials highlighting UNESCO activities on Climate Change.
  7. Support development of activities and material on Climate Change in the context of UN Decade and Year, such as the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation 2025, the Decade of Action on Cryospheric Science (2025-2034), and the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD).
  8. Provide thematic and technical support to organize scientific events, exhibition and outreach activities prepare technical publications and policy documents and processes and prepare meeting report and provide editorial support. 
  9. Contribute to the implementation and monitoring Climate Change activities financed by both regular budget and extra-budgetary projects in close partnership with relevant Category 2 Centres and Chairs, and UNESCO field offices. Provide regular monitoring and prepare reports of the implemented under the thematic responsibilities.


Required Qualifications 

Education: Master's degree in the field of environment, water resources, climate change adaptation or related earth sciences. 

Work experience: 

A minimum of 2 years of relevant professional experience in the areas of hydro climatic and environmental modelling and climate change adaptation.

  1. Scientific and technical knowledge of Climate Change adaptation, water-related risk management and early warning systems and climate resilient management.
  2. Relevant scientific publications related to Climate Change adaptation, water-related risk management and early warning systems and climate resilient management.

Competencies and skills: 

  1. Excellent drafting skills: ability to produce reports and papers on scientific, technical, and strategic issues.
  2. Abilityto carry out quality research and produce knowledge products related to Climate Change adaptation and water-related risk management. 
  3. Ability to provide technical and thematic contribution to scientific meetings, training courses and workshops on hydro climatic modelling, environmental modelling, flood and drought monitoring and early warning systems and Climate Change adaptation.
  4. Excellent interpersonal skills, ability to work in a multicultural environment and foster team cooperation.
  5. Ability to work under pressure in a complex and changing environment. 


Excellent knowledge written and spoken of English; knowledge of other UNESCO official languages is an asset.

Learning Elements

The JPO will be able to use her/his skills and experience the various aspects of management cycle of an international project and programme implementation. Further to the lessons learned on project implementation, the JPO will be able to experience the policy environment that an International Organization faces and will participate on meetings related to global agendas. 


Background Information

UNESCO works to advance and promote science in the interests of peace, sustainable development and human security and well-being, in close collaboration with its Member States and a wide variety of partners. Furthermore the science sector creates knowledge and understanding through science equips us to find solutions to today’s acute economic, social and environmental challenges and to achieving sustainable development and greener societies. UNESCO’s international science programmes have long-standing experience in mobilizing the best available fundamental and applied science in their respective fields to serve Member States. The programmes are:

  1. Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP);
  2. Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB);
  3. International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme (IGGP);
  4. International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP).

The UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP), founded in 1975 following the International Hydrological Decade (1965-1974), is the only intergovernmental cooperation programme of the UN system dedicated to water research and management, and related education and capacity development. It addresses national, regional, and global water challenges, by supporting the development of sustainable and resilient societies. IHP’s work supports sound, evidence-based water governance and decision-making drawing on transdisciplinary science and technology other knowledge systems. The ninth phase of IHP (IHP-IX, 2022-2029) puts science into action for a Water Secure World, in a Changing Environment. By bringing innovative, interdisciplinary, and environmentally sound methods and tools into play, while fostering and capitalizing on advances in water sciences, IHP acts at the science-policy nexus to help meeting today’s global water challenges. For further information, please visit:

Additionally, UNESCO's Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems programme (LINKS) promotes local and indigenous knowledge and its inclusion in global climate science and policy processes, and its World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) produces policy-relevant, timely and reliable information in various fields of water resources developments and management. These programmes are supported by extensive networks and benefit from the concrete experience gained from the UNESCO designated sites: biosphere reserves, UNESCO Global Geoparks and natural sites inscribed on the World Heritage list.


The work requires the regular provision of professional and technical support to more senior/field staff, research, analysis and exploration of programmes, projects, priorities and partners as outlined guided by supervisor in order to enhance sectional and divisional work as well as contribute to cross-sectional initiatives. He/she gathers and provides content for events and publications and subsequent distribution. He/she researches current best practices/concepts/frameworks and trends and synthesizes findings, providing inputs and recommendations for project and programme as well as identifies and highlights areas of concerns and opportunities to colleagues and management. 

The JPO will provide support to the daily implementation of activities of the Section of Hydrological Systems, Climate Change and Adaptation (SC/HYD/HCA), with a particular focus on climate change adaptation, hydrological processes and water-related risk management. He/she will support the implementation of activities related to the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation (2025), the Decade of Action for Cryospheric Sciences (2025-2034) and the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD).

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Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO)

Allgemeine Programminformationen

Mit dem Programm „Junior Professional Officer/ Beigeordnete Sachverständige“ (JPO-Programm), das unter der Federführung des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) durchgeführt wird, steht der Bundesregierung ein erfolgreiches und international anerkanntes personalpolitisches Instrument zur Nachwuchsförderung im Kontext der Vereinten Nationen zur Verfügung. Das Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO) ist mit der operativen Durchführung des JPO-Programms beauftragt.



  • Einen Beitrag zur multilateralen Zusammenarbeit leisten
  • Den Anteil Deutscher in Internationalen Organisationen (IO) erhöhen
  • Nachwuchskräften die Option bieten, internationale Berufserfahrung zu sammeln und die Wettbewerbschancen für eine Beschäftigung deutlich zu erhöhen

    Erfolge des Programms:

  • Etwa 40 Abkommen zwischen der Bundesregierung und Internationalen Organisationen
  • Durchschnittlich werden pro Jahr 50-60 deutsche Nachwuchskräfte als JPO neu eingestellt
  • Nahezu 80 Prozent Übernahmequote der deutschen JPO in den letzten Jahren
  • In dem bisher über 40-jährigen Bestehen wurden eine Reihe erfolgreicher Karrieren von Deutschen in Internationalen Organisationen ermöglicht und gefördert

    Was erwartet Sie?

  • 2-3 Jahre Einsatzzeit bei den Vereinten Nationen und ihren verschiedenen Unter- und Sonderorganisationen
  • Arbeitseinsatz entweder am Sitz der jeweiligen Organisation oder in den Regional- und Feldbüros in Afrika, Asien, Lateinamerika oder Europa
  • Herausfordernde Aufgabenstellungen in allen wesentlichen Tätigkeitsbereichen der Internationalen Organisationen, wie Armutsbekämpfung, Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Flüchtlingshilfe oder Krisenprävention, Umwelt- und Klimaschutz, Gesundheitsversorgung, Arbeitsschutz, Beschäftigungs- und Wirtschaftsförderung, Bildung sowie ländliche Entwicklung und Ernährungssicherung
  • Ebenfalls die Möglichkeit bei den Entwicklungsbanken, wie der Weltbankgruppe, der Interamerikanischen Entwicklungsbank (IABD) oder bei der Europäischen Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBRD), in interessanten Aufgabenstellungen mitzuwirken

  • Programmbetreuung:

  • Einsatzvorbereitung von deutscher Seite im Rahmen einer sogenannten Hospitation
  • Die Hospitation bietet zudem die Gelegenheit zuständige Ansprechpartner*innen in den Bundesministerien und in anderen deutschen Institutionen und Einrichtungen kennen zu lernen und ein berufliches Netzwerk aufzubauen
  • Während der JPO-Zeit besteht ein kontinuierlicher Kontakt mit dem BFIO (z.B. in Form von Berichterstattung, E-Mail Verteilern etc.)
  • Die Betreuung vor Ort übernimmt die jeweils zuständige deutsche Auslandsvertretung


  • Arbeitsvertrag für die Dauer des Einsatzes von der jeweiligen Organisation im Rahmen der jeweils geltenden Personalstatuten
  • Nachhaltigkeitsziele

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