
Unity Effect Connect UG

Unity Effect Connect UG


In 2019 gegründet

1 - 10 Mitarbeiter*innen

Consulting & Beratung

Über uns

Das müsst ihr über uns wissen

We are a social enterprise and network of facilitators and change catalysts, based in Germany, working also internationally. We work together with purpose-driven leaders, organisations, foundations and networks who are contributing to a more sustainable, just and thriving world. We guide our clients and participants to grow their collaborative leadership and teamwork capacities, design and facilitate intentional and participatory events and learning spaces, and create and evaluate regenerative impact. Our approach is participatory and holistic, guiding the process from purpose, intention and reflection, to learning, growth and action.


Leadership Workshops on site and online

Online, participatory workshops and training

Working with Teams, Organisations and Networks

Workshops and Trainings on Team and Leadershipdevelopment


Das möchten wir mit unserem Kerngeschäft bewirken

Wissen vermitteln

Wissen vermitteln

Förderung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Unternehmen

Mit unserer Arbeit wollen wir jeder Organisation die Möglichkeit geben, die Welt ein Stückchen besser zu machen und zeigen ihnen die unterschiedlichen Facetten einer zukunftsorientierten und nachhaltigen Unternehmensentwicklung auf.

Gesellschaft fair gestalten

Gesellschaft fair gestalten

Lösungen zur Inklusion und Selbstbestimmung

Wir stehen für eine Gesellschaft, in der jeder Mensch ganz natürlich dazugehört und ausnahmslos gleichberechtigt und selbstbestimmt teilhaben kann – unabhängig von Aussehen, Sprache oder körperlichen Einschränkungen.


Unsere Benefits am Arbeitsplatz


Remote, Zusätzliche Urlaubstage, Freundschaftliches Arbeitsklima, Home Office, Feel-Good-Atmosphäre, 4 weitere


Faire Vergütung


Workshops und Veranstaltungsbesuche, Coaching, Karrierechancen

Unsere Vision für die Zukunft

Leading change from the inside out
We believe that meaningful change begins with each one of us: from within ourselves, our teams and networks. Together, we are making a difference in how we lead, collaborate, gather and create positive impact for a just and thriving future.


Unser Bewerbungsprozess

Application lifeline until March 19th 2023. To submit your application we ask you to send us your current CV, desired range of working hours/days, earliest/latest start date and your answers to the following questions to

- What excites you about this position and why would you like to work with us at Unity Effect

Application lifeline until March 19th 2023. To submit your application we ask you to send us your current CV, desired range of working hours/days, earliest/latest start date and your answers to the following questions to

- What excites you about this position and why would you like to work with us at Unity Effect

- Which relevant strengths and experience do you bring with you? 

- What would you like to learn and grow in?

- Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

What counts for us are your skills and qualifications, not your looks. That's why we ask you not to send a photo with your application. We also believe that diversity is powerful. That's why we welcome applications from everyone, without exception. You are also welcome to indicate your pronouns so that we can address you correctly. 

We will screen all incoming applications and in a first round invite potential candidates for a 30min call for a first get together and check potential framwork conditions. Afterwards we would invite you to an interview, followed by a test facilitation by you for our core team on a topic around leadership, teamstructures, teamculture, .... so we can meet you and directly experience you and you can experience us a team :)

Dein*e Ansprechpartner*in

Unity Effect Connect UG


Unity Effect Connect UG

Thomas-Mann-Straße 36

53111 Bonn