
The Landbanking Group GmbH

The Landbanking Group GmbH


In 2022 gegründet

26 - 50 Mitarbeiter*innen

Versicherungen, Banken & Finanzen

Über uns

Das müsst ihr über uns wissen

The Landbanking Group is dedicated to build the technological, legal and trust infrastructure for investments into nature futures. We offer land stewards an opportunity to feel valued and rewarded for treating nature well.

Through us, they sell verifiable claims on nature improvement or preservation claims (hydrosphere “water”, pedosphere “soil”, atmosphere “climate” and – especially – biosphere “biodiversity“).

Buyers – these are strategic insetters, offsetters, commodity buyers, investors and insurers – all critically in need of nature’s services - can buy these verifiable claims in order to ensure they have a long position on nature services: crop producers with healthy soil and lower supply risks, biodiversity improvement claims that neutralize the portfolio footprint, securities backed by ecosystem services delivery contracts, or nature assets in flood protected watersheds. Through the latest natural capital assessment technologies and our custody approach of The Landbanking Group, any of these can improve the balance sheet and thus the value of the business.


Das möchten wir mit unserem Kerngeschäft bewirken

Bewusst wirtschaften

Bewusst wirtschaften

Entwicklung alternativer, ethisch vertretbarer Geschäftsmodelle

Wir streben die Veränderung bisheriger, konventioneller Geschäftsmodelle an, indem wir sie neu denken und negative in positive Effekte umwandeln.


Unsere Benefits am Arbeitsplatz


Internationale Entwicklungsoptionen, Karrierechancen


Remote, Freundschaftliches Arbeitsklima, Home Office, Feel-Good-Atmosphäre, Diversity Management, 4 weitere


Diensthandys und -laptops


Gute Verkehrsanbindungen

Unsere Vision für die Zukunft

The global economy, human wellbeing and individual dreams – they all depend on nature’s vitality. Trillions of dollars are needed to restore and protect nature so that it thrives again.

An amount that we today consider too high a cost to bear. Turning nature restoration from a cost to an attractive investment, square meter by square meter of land – that is the vision of The Landbanking Group.


Das sagen unsere Mitarbeiter*innen

An inspiring environment where inclusive communication at eye level and diversity are deeply engrained in the culture.
Huyen Tran, Interim Talent Acquisition Manager

Deine Ansprechpartner*innen

Fidelis Stuchtey

People, Culture and Business Partner



Huyen Tran

Interim Talent Acquisition Manager


The Landbanking Group GmbH


The Landbanking Group GmbH

Platzl 5

80331 München