
SIA Social Impact Award

SIA Social Impact Award


In 2009 gegründet

11 - 25 Mitarbeiter*innen

NGO, Stiftungen & Vereine

Über uns

Das müsst ihr über uns wissen

Empowering youth to make a difference.

Social Impact Award supports young, early-stage social entrepreneurs in developing and implementing innovative business solutions tackling societal challenges.

Building a world where youth realize their potential as agents of change, innovators, active citizens, social entrepreneurs.

Impact Fields:


Our free-of-charge and highly accessible workshops, events, and webinars allow youth to discover the field of entrepreneurship and kick-start their journey as social innovators.


By inspiring youth with stories from thousands of local social entrepreneurs, we raise awareness about social entrepreneurship as a potential career path and vehicle for civic engagement.


We nurture our global community of young social entrepreneurs, experts, partners, and supporters by connecting them with one another and providing them with exclusive opportunities.


We support the most promising young social entrepreneurs with know-how, mentoring, access to networks, and pre-seed funding. We also provide a wide range of offerings to strengthen their resilience.


© Filip Bojovic



Das möchten wir mit unserem Kerngeschäft bewirken

Wissen vermitteln

Wissen vermitteln

Förderung sozialer Innovationen

Wir fördern soziale Innovationen und Kreativität, indem wir Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen mit ihrem einzigartigen Wissen, Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen zusammenbringen und damit neuen Ideen und Lösungen einen Raum geben.

Bewusst wirtschaften

Bewusst wirtschaften

Entwicklung alternativer, ethisch vertretbarer Geschäftsmodelle

Wir streben die Veränderung bisheriger, konventioneller Geschäftsmodelle an, indem wir sie neu denken und negative in positive Effekte umwandeln.


Unsere Benefits am Arbeitsplatz


Internationale Entwicklungsoptionen, Weiterbildungsprogramme, Workshops und Veranstaltungsbesuche, Karrierechancen


Remote, Freundschaftliches Arbeitsklima, Home Office, Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, Flache Hierarchien, 1 weitere


Faire Vergütung, Betriebliche Altersvorsorge


Gute Verkehrsanbindungen

Unsere Vision für die Zukunft

Theory of Change Providing youth with opportunities to turn their talents and passions into impactful ventures is a key factor when it comes to tackling crucial societal challenges both on a local community level as well as on a global scale. However, thorough research suggests that youth lack multidimensional support to become active citizens and social innovators. The most important dimensions are: Lack of role models: Important role models, such as parents and teachers, are often not aware of the opportunities surrounding entrepreneurship and social innovation. This lack of awareness results in little to no encouragement for entrepreneurial activities, or even negative social attitudes that act as an obstacle to getting started. (Schleicher, 2015) Lack of skills: Institutionalized education and training programs do not do enough to nurture entrepreneurial attitudes and skills. Despite some recent improvements in this area, they mostly prepare students for paid employment. (Potter, 2008). Lack of resources: Young people typically lack human, financial and social capital necessary to set up and successfully run a new project or social business. They are also less likely to have sectoral, managerial or prior business experience compared to older individuals. Moreover, financial markets may be biased away from supporting youth businesses/projects, and youth-owned ventures may also face “discrimination” in product markets, with customers skeptical about the reliability of their products or services. (Schleicher, 2015) Lack of networks: Young people likely have limited business networks and business-related social capital. This may have consequences for setting up and running their businesses and building ‘legitimacy’ amongst key stakeholders (e.g. financiers, customers, suppliers). (Schleicher, 2015). By hosting local events and organizing workshops on social entrepreneurship, running incubation programs to help validate and prototype impact and business models, and nurturing this global community of resilient social entrepreneurs whose stories raise awareness about the field, Social Impact Award addresses all 4 dimensions and directly enables youth to realize their potential as agents of change. The success of this approach is underlined by our carefully measured impact data. Since its inception, SIA has become one of the world’s largest communities of young social entrepreneurs, supporting almost 10,000 young innovators annually, and fostering over 1,000 ventures from across more than 25 countries in Europe, Africa, and Central Asia.


Unser Bewerbungsprozess

We value diversity. We therefore particularly welcome applications from people from socially marginalized groups, for example on the levels of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion/belief, sexual orientation and identity. 

You can apply as long as the call for applications is online. We will conduct ongoing interview...

We value diversity. We therefore particularly welcome applications from people from socially marginalized groups, for example on the levels of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion/belief, sexual orientation and identity. 

You can apply as long as the call for applications is online. We will conduct ongoing interviews and ask for a maximum response time of 3 weeks.

To apply, simply fill out the application form. In the application form (in English) we will ask you for your CV and ask you to answer a few questions. Take your time and let us know everything you think is relevant to these questions.

Why do you want this job? What drives you, what excites you? Why is the job a good development for you, both professionally and personally? 

Why are you exactly the right candidate for this job? What do you bring to the table that enriches us? What is on your CV that tells us something about your skills and experience that are relevant to this role? How have you demonstrated your skills in this area in the past?

What else do we need to know about you that could help us make a decision?

If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact us:

Dein*e Ansprechpartner*in


Ann-Christin Görtz

Legal & Team Manager
SIA Social Impact Award


SIA Social Impact Award

Lindengasse 56

1070 Wien