
Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH

Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH


In 2016 gegründet

51 - 100 Mitarbeiter*innen


Über uns

Das müsst ihr über uns wissen

Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH is a renewable energy company for wind and solar energy as well as battery and hydrogen technologies. We develop greenfield projects, repower existing plants, provide state-of-the-art asset management services and facilitate the acquisition of operational and turn-key plants.


© Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH

© Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH

© Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH

© Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH


Das möchten wir mit unserem Kerngeschäft bewirken

Umwelt schützen

Umwelt schützen

Förderung von erneuerbaren Energien

Wir verabschieden uns von konventionellen Energieträgern wie Erdgas, Kohle, Öl und Kernbrennstoffen und unterstützen alle Formen der regenerativen Energien. So wollen wir einen Beitrag zu einer dezentralen, klimafreundlichen und modernen Energie- und Wärmeversorgung leisten.


Unsere Benefits am Arbeitsplatz


Essenszulagen, Faire Vergütung, Zusatzvergütung / Boni


Weiterbildungsprogramme, Workshops und Veranstaltungsbesuche, Karrierechancen


Remote, Zusätzliche Urlaubstage, Freundschaftliches Arbeitsklima, Home Office, Feel-Good-Atmosphäre, 3 weitere


Fitnessangebote, Betriebsärzt*in


Kicker / Tischtennisplatte, Diensthandys und -laptops, Kostenlose Snacks und Getränke, Barrierefreiheit


Gute Verkehrsanbindungen, Parkplätze für Fahrräder, Jobrad, Jobticket

Unsere Vision für die Zukunft

Pacifico was founded to transform our world's energy supply by developing, managing and optimizing clean energy assets and to move toward a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. 

We develop greenfield projects, repower existing plants, provide state-of-the-art asset management services and facilitate the acquisition of operational and turn-key plants.


Offene Stellen bei uns

(Junior) Asset Manager (gn) - Renewables, Poland


| Hybrid

vor 6 Tagen


Englisch, Polnisch

Anstellungsart: Festanstellung

Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH


Unser Bewerbungsprozess

1.       Application: Apply to our open positions through our application form. We will get back to you with feedback as soon as possible. Please note that we only accept applications submitted through our career page. For data protection reasons, applications by e-mail cannot be considered and will be deleted immediately upon receipt...

1.       Application: Apply to our open positions through our application form. We will get back to you with feedback as soon as possible. Please note that we only accept applications submitted through our career page. For data protection reasons, applications by e-mail cannot be considered and will be deleted immediately upon receipt.

2.       Culture Fit: In the first 30-minute video call, our People & Communications team wants to get to know you better and give you more insights about Pacifico and its culture. 
Its primary purpose is to clarify first questions and discover your motivation to join Pacifico!

3.       Position Fit: To get an in-depth understanding of the position, you will talk to someone from the specific team. During this interview, you get the chance to impress the hiring manager.

4.       Last-round Interview: Meet a member of the management team to ask all your remaining questions and learn more about Pacifico’s future.


Das sagen unsere Mitarbeiter*innen

„People are the heart of Pacifico – the joyful atmosphere and team spirit motivate you to come to the office in the morning”.
Nikolas, Manager - Asset Management
"Pacifico is exemplary of a thriving young company, with a vibrant international team and a direct positive impact on the energy transition."
Alba, Senior Associate - Project Development

Dein*e Ansprechpartner*in

Sophie Grikscheit

Associate - People & Communications


Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH


Pacifico Energy Partners GmbH

Leopoldstraße 20

80802 München