
NYU Berlin

NYU Berlin


11 - 25 Mitarbeiter*innen

Bildung & Pädagogik

Über uns

Das müsst ihr über uns wissen

Founded in 1831, New York University is one of the largest and most prestigious private universities in the United States. NYU is based in New York but also operates branch campuses and research programs in other parts of the U.S. and around the world. Since our founding in 1831, NYU’s history has been marked as “open to all”. Now as a university that is in and of the city and in and of the world, we continually strive to foster a dynamic and rigorous teaching and learning environment that represents a diversity of viewpoints. As a community of scholars (faculty, students, and staff) that is inclusive of divergent backgrounds and historically underrepresented groups, NYU engages a diversity of viewpoints, perspectives, and approaches.

NYU Berlin is one of NYU's global study-away sites and provides US and other international students with the opportunity to spend a semester studying in Berlin while earning credits towards their degree. The program is fully integrated into NYU's curriculum and designed for BA students in the social sciences, arts and humanities who want to earn credit in their major - including art, art history, drama, environmental studies, European studies, German, history, math, music, politics, psychology, and sociology - while having a transformative experience abroad. Most courses are taught in English. Seminars and lectures take place at the academic center located in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg and at NYU Berlin's art and drama studio in Berlin- Kreuzberg. The program size is 120 students per semester, as well as various January Term and Summer Schools.


Das möchten wir mit unserem Kerngeschäft bewirken

Wissen vermitteln

Wissen vermitteln

Lösungen zur Bildungsförderung

Unsere Aufgabe ist es, Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters Kenntnisse anzueignen und Inhalte, Sprachen oder Theorien weiterzugeben, die ihnen als gute Grundlage für ihren weiteren Weg dienen.

Gesellschaft fair gestalten

Gesellschaft fair gestalten

Lösungen zur Inklusion und Selbstbestimmung

Wir stehen für eine Gesellschaft, in der jeder Mensch ganz natürlich dazugehört und ausnahmslos gleichberechtigt und selbstbestimmt teilhaben kann – unabhängig von Aussehen, Sprache oder körperlichen Einschränkungen.


Unsere Benefits am Arbeitsplatz


Faire Vergütung


Freundschaftliches Arbeitsklima, Diversity Management


Gute Verkehrsanbindungen


NYU Berlin


NYU Berlin

Schönhauser Allee 36

10435 Berlin