



250 - 500 Mitarbeiter*innen

Mobilität, Verkehr, Transport & Logistik

Über uns

Das müsst ihr über uns wissen

As an innovative, growing company, MOIA stands for mobility, community and has the higher objective of making our cities a better place to live in. As a fully electric ridesharing service, we are already on the move in Hamburg and Hanover for more than two million people. In collaboration with city planners, we carry out research into needs for a cleaner city, seek dialogue with the city and design smart new ways to reduce stress, noise and emissions in city traffic. It’s clear that we do this with great enthusiasm: we love our city, living here and staying in motion together. We also want to be ahead of the game when it comes to reinventing mobility: relaxed, sustainable – and in the not too distant future, autonomous. If you think this way too: then a career at MOIA is exactly the right choice for you.


Das möchten wir mit unserem Kerngeschäft bewirken

Umwelt schützen

Umwelt schützen

Umweltschonende Gebäude- und Stadtentwicklung

Unsere Vision sind Städte mit ressourcen- und energieeffizienten Gebäuden und ausreichend Grün- und Freiraumversorgung, in denen es den Menschen möglich ist, ihre Wege sicher zu Fuß, mit dem Fahrrad oder mit dem öffentlichen Personennahverkehr zurückzulegen.

Bewusst wirtschaften

Bewusst wirtschaften

Förderung nachhaltiger Konsummuster

Unser Ziel ist es, den Konsument*innen Alternativen aufzuzeigen, Verhaltensweisen schrittweise zu verändern und neue Konzepte des Konsums zu verfolgen, um neue gesellschaftliche Werte sowie Raum für nachhaltige Lebensstile zu schaffen.


Unsere Benefits am Arbeitsplatz


Job-Rotation, Zusätzliche Urlaubstage, Freundschaftliches Arbeitsklima, Home Office, Feel-Good-Atmosphäre, 6 weitere


Internationale Entwicklungsoptionen, Bildungskarenz, Weiterbildungsprogramme, Workshops und Veranstaltungsbesuche, Coaching, 1 weitere


Entspannungsmöglichkeiten, Kicker / Tischtennisplatte, Diensthandys und -laptops, Kostenlose Snacks und Getränke


Gesundheitsförderung, Fitnessangebote, Betriebsärzt*in


Faire Vergütung, Zusatzvergütung / Boni, Mitarbeiter*innenrabatte, Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Mitarbeiter*innenbeteiligungen


Gute Verkehrsanbindungen, Parkplätze für Fahrräder, Jobrad, Jobticket

Unsere Vision für die Zukunft

A shared journey to the future of mobility!

We all love living in the city and we’re constantly on the move. It’s in our own interest that new mobility solutions are developed to improve existing transportation systems and make life in the city more livable, more efficient, and safer. That’s what makes our jobs so exciting. And why MOIA gets things moving. On a shared journey – towards an easier, smarter, and more meaningful future.


Unser Bewerbungsprozess

Usually, you can expect our hiring process to consist of the following steps after handing in your application: a first interview to kick things off, followed by either a coding challenge, a case study, a second interview or something similar. Finally, we often finish the hiring process with a Try Day. However, we want our hi...

Usually, you can expect our hiring process to consist of the following steps after handing in your application: a first interview to kick things off, followed by either a coding challenge, a case study, a second interview or something similar. Finally, we often finish the hiring process with a Try Day. However, we want our hiring to be as agile as possible and will factor in the personal needs of the candidate, specific requirements for a position or other special circumstances.  

For us, the first personal touchpoint after receiving your application or contacting you is an interview so we can get to know each other. There are always two colleagues present to give you a good overview of both the technical and the cultural side of working at MOIA: one member of your future team or chapter and one of us, the People & Relations Team.  

If both sides, you and the hiring team, want to move forward, we invite you to take part in, for example, our coding challenge. This step of the hiring process should give you a good idea of future tasks in the potential role and helps us to understand how you approach a problem and work on finding a solution. 

During our last step, the Try Day, you get the chance to meet the prospective team and to experience the future work environment firsthand. The Try Day at MOIA bundles together different meetings depending on the role like a technical talk with peers, a get-to-know with the team, and a meeting with one of our directors of engineering.  

Unsere Bewerbungstipps

The interview is about getting to know each other, understanding what you are looking for and checking if that matches with what we need at MOIA. We are interested in really getting to know you as an authentic person, so don’t prepare to be someone you are not. It helps of course if you reflected on the role and responsibilities that you applied for. 
We are always curious to understand what you would like to learn and about your ideas of personal growth. If you live in Hamburg or Hanover, book a MOIA and try it out yourself or download our app to check out our digital products behind the ridesharing service. 
You might want to do some research and find out more about our culture and how we work. We recommend reading our blog, having a look at our Kununu reviews and following us on our social channels such as TwitterLinkedIn, or Instagram.  


Das sagen unsere Mitarbeiter*innen

I love being part of MOIA’s platform engineering team. The team is nothing but supportive towards one another and we all help each other grow in our roles.
Max Opperman, DevOps Engineer
Working at MOIA means for me that I get to be part of the solution for the mobility challenges in the cities.
Asli Aladag, Senior Product Owner

Dein*e Ansprechpartner*in

Benjamin Möhle

Tech Recruiter





Alexanderufer 5

10117 Berlin