
GoBlu Deutschland

GoBlu Deutschland


11 - 25 Mitarbeiter*innen

Textil & Bekleidung, IT & Technik, Consulting & Beratung

Über uns

Das müsst ihr über uns wissen

Sustainability, transparency and digitalization - that's what GoBlu stands for. With brand and supply chain optimization and communication services, we help international fashion brands and retailers achieve their sustainability goals. Our digital chemical management platform The BHive® is used by some of the largest textile and fashion companies in the world. In addition to our core team in Münster, we have colleagues in the USA, Australia, China, India and Turkey. Our common goal is to drive sustainability in the textile industry. Now we are looking for to expand our account management team in Berlin and Münster.


Das möchten wir mit unserem Kerngeschäft bewirken

Wissen vermitteln

Wissen vermitteln

Förderung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Unternehmen

Mit unserer Arbeit wollen wir jeder Organisation die Möglichkeit geben, die Welt ein Stückchen besser zu machen und zeigen ihnen die unterschiedlichen Facetten einer zukunftsorientierten und nachhaltigen Unternehmensentwicklung auf.

Wissen vermitteln

Wissen vermitteln

Aufklärung über gesellschafts- und umweltrelevante Themengebiete

Wir sehen unsere Aufgabe darin, Informationen für die Masse zugänglich zu machen und wollen die Menschen über aktuelle Situationen in der Welt aufklären oder auf Handlungsmöglichkeiten hinweisen.


Unsere Benefits am Arbeitsplatz


Remote, Freundschaftliches Arbeitsklima, Home Office, Feel-Good-Atmosphäre, Flache Hierarchien


Faire Vergütung


Diensthandys und -laptops, Kostenlose Snacks und Getränke


Gute Verkehrsanbindungen, Parkplätze für Fahrräder

Unsere Vision für die Zukunft

GoBlu's mission is to accelerate our clients’ ability to operate in a sustainable way, empowering and working with them to achieve and exceed their goals. With our chemical management platform The BHive we aim to drive a more transparent and sustainable use of chemical products in the textile and fashion industry. 


Unser Bewerbungsprozess

We are looking forward to receiving your CV and a short letter of motivation via If we feel like your profile could be a good fit for our open position, we will invite you to a first get-to-know-meeting. Depending on what's best for you, this meeting can be held in person or digitally, in English or in German. During the mee...

We are looking forward to receiving your CV and a short letter of motivation via If we feel like your profile could be a good fit for our open position, we will invite you to a first get-to-know-meeting. Depending on what's best for you, this meeting can be held in person or digitally, in English or in German. During the meeting you will most likely speak with one of our co-founders and one of your potential future team members. You don't need to prepare anything for this, we would just like to get to know you a little better. After the meeting we usually take a few days to discuss and make a decision.

Dein*e Ansprechpartner*in


Marketing & Communications Manager


GoBlu Deutschland


GoBlu Deutschland

Mauritzstraße 23

48143 Münster