
In 1997 gegründet
1 - 10 Mitarbeiter*innen
Land- und Forstwirtschaft
Über uns
Das müsst ihr über uns wissen
Every generation has a right to safe food, and we support farmers to connect them to markets where they can sell their safely and sustainably produced agricultural products by developing and implementing farm assurance systems that are based on facts and recognized across the supply chain.
GLOBALG.A.P. is a trademark and a set of standards for good agricultural practices (G.A.P.). FoodPLUS GmbH is a limited liability cooperation registered in Cologne, Germany. It manages all company’s activities worldwide from standard setting through services for its partners, marketing, certification management to integrity and serves as legal entity to hold the international GLOBALG.A.P. and GGN (consumer label for GLOBALG.A.P. certified farms) copyrights.
Das möchten wir mit unserem Kerngeschäft bewirken
Wissen vermitteln
Wir sehen unsere Aufgabe darin, Informationen für die Masse zugänglich zu machen und wollen die Menschen über aktuelle Situationen in der Welt aufklären oder auf Handlungsmöglichkeiten hinweisen.