Senior Learning Designer / Leadership Development (gn)


| 100% Remote

vor 1 Jahr


Deutsch, Englisch


53K – 65K

Anstellungsart: Festanstellung

Berufserfahrung: 3 - 5 Jahre

Unternehmensorganisation, Management & Beratung, Personalwesen & Human Resources, Produkt- & Projektmanagement


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Forever Day One
Forever Day One
Unsere nachhaltigen Ziele machen uns zu einer von GoodJobs ausgezeichneten „GoodCompany“.
- Hilf uns dabei, die Welt etwas besser zu machen!


You drive the development and successful execution of a top-notch learning program applicable and engaging for various working groups within a big DAX company or SME’s of the German Mittelstand ranging from Top-Management to operative teams in different business areas, departments, functional groups, and levels. You will empower participants based on the evaluation of their needs by designing and executing, engaging, and inspiring learning experiences. Our learning designers have deep expertise in their field and an endless curiosity for the newest developments in science and research, waiting to be transferred into experiences around various topics like mindset, self-leadership, learnability, and new work.


Your responsibilities

You are in the lead to design the right learning experience for leadership & management engagements, developing it in time & ensure successful execution.

  • You are responsible for the E2E execution and delivery of projects in consulting HR departments on leadership and top management engagements
  • You orchestrate people from supporting disciplines in the process (tech, design..)
  • Learning Design Process
  • Research: You conduct user research to gain an understanding of the user needs as well as the ecosystem and culture around the users
  • Concept/Design: You create learning journeys and experiences from the learning goals to storyboards, to detailed session agendas
  • Creation & Production: You choose/create/produce content/ hacks/ playbooks that support the progress and reflection of the participants
  • Execution: You facilitate inspiring and empowering sessions/ workshops online and offline as well as support and coach participants on their learning journeys. This can include some of the most senior people at our clients

  • Learning Design Knowledge: You continuously contribute to our knowledge base and the further development of our learning design processes

In some cases the work can range through all the stages from research to execution, in others you might support our other learning designers with existing concepts in their execution and further development. No project will be exactly like the other, depending on mission and client. 


Your ways of working

  • You can inspire, coach, and empower participants on their learning journeys
  • You see engaging, social, and reflective learning as the foundation of (personal) growth and transformation
  • You can facilitate/ moderate engaging sessions and workshops
  • You are highly communicative and do not shy away from interacting and working directly with the client and external team members
  • You are driven and motivated to keep learning and developing in a fast-paced environment


You complement us with

  • You have at least 3 years of experience with end-to-end experience design in a corporate HR context (user research, concept & design, creation & production, execution) digitally and analogue
  • You have experience in working in a consultancy or a project-driven environment.
  • You are excited about and know the following topics (theory, use cases, and methods) as well as current trends concerning leadership and management engagements inside out: e.g.  VUCA, agile leadership, Leadership 2.0, etc.
  • Know-how about current trends in the context of learning design, experience design, modern pedagogy, and change management/culture transformation with a special focus on management engagements
  • You have used common pedagogical approaches in previous projects, can weigh them against each other, and adapt/ apply them according to the project
  • You have strong content creation skills and can transfer these into user- and context-specific formats
  • Ambition to go beyond standard trainings and to experiment and create at the cutting edge
  • You have Project Management experience in a corporate context
  • Experience in working with (most of) the tools: Microsoft Teams / Zoom, WordPress, Miro, Notion, Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workplace including Google Slides, Hangouts, Drive, etc.  
  • Advanced in building consistent and visually impressive storylines in Google Slides or MS Powerpoint
  • willingness to travel
  • You have professional fluency in German and English


What we offer

  • A high level of freedom paired with substantial responsibility
  • Cutting-edge projects, which continuously push us out of our own comfort zone
  • Real, substantial work in our field – no consulting buzzwords or bullshit
  • A team of highly engaged, empathetic, and creative professionals
  • A unique expert network & knowledge pool - we continuously explore places of change around the world to learn about their secrets - the experts we meet, the experience we make & the overall learnings are the basis for all our work and a USP we are particularly proud of - and which we share & make accessible to our people
  • A dedicated learning budget that you can use according to your learning path and needs – if you feel like learning Spanish, learn Spanish
  • There’s no set amount of holiday days (unlimited, flexible paid vacation policy)
  • A farm in Brandenburg to recharge your batteries and be creative

Forever Day One

Wir sind eine Learning Design Company. Wir beraten und begleiten Unternehmen dabei, das volle Potenzial ihrer Mitarbeiter:innen zu entfalten, um erfolgreich Veränderung zu gestalten.

Unsere Stärken sind einzigartige, hocheffektive Lernerfahrungen, die Mitarbeiter:innen ein Leben lang zur kontinuierlichen, persönlichen Entwicklung motivieren und Veränderung als aktiven Gestaltungsspielraum begreifen lassen. Unsere Angebote richten sich an Unternehmen und Organisationen – von jungen Menschen über erfahrene Mitarbeiter:innen bis hin zu Führungskräften. In unserer Zielgruppensparte “Leaders” unterstützen wir Führungskräfte bei der eigenen Entwicklung und der Begleitung ihrer Teams durch tiefgreifende Veränderungen.


Wissen vermitteln

Wissen vermitteln

Förderung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Unternehmen

Mit unserer Arbeit wollen wir jeder Organisation die Möglichkeit geben, die Welt ein Stückchen besser zu machen und zeigen ihnen die unterschiedlichen Facetten einer zukunftsorientierten und nachhaltigen Unternehmensentwicklung auf.

Forever Day One


Forever Day One

Möckernstraße 68

10965 Berlin

Job online bis 09.06.2023

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